Category Archives: Rumi



If you want a customer who will pay in gold,
could there be a better customer than God, O my heart?
He buys our dirty bag of goods,
and in return gives us an inner light that borrows from His splendour.
He receives the dissolving ice of this mortal body
and gives us a kingdom beyond imagining.
He takes a few tear drops,
and gives a spiritual spring so delicious
sugar is jealous of its sweetness.
If any doubt waylays you,
rely upon the spiritual traders, the prophets.
The Divine Ruler increased their fortune so greatly,
no mountain could bear what they’ve been given.

✿ Rumi



Although alone,

The Lover is never lonely..

Forever hidden

with the Beloved..

✿ Rumi



Open the door, a novice has arrived!
Offer me a cup of wine and walk with me
for a while.
You don’t mind long distances because
on the way you lay your traps,
and plan how to break my heart.
You fulfilled hundreds of my wishes, yet my heart
still hungers for more.
Your kindness warms and blesses everyone
even the sun bows before you.
Please, let me be your slave and silently walk
by your side.
I will find new meaning in every joy and sorrow.
In that silence
I will hear the voice of spirit, and freed
from this world
I will see another order where the end is
another beginning.

✿ Rumi



One sign from you is all I want;
One “yes” from you
and my soul will be free.

✿ Rumi



Don’t be bitter my friend
you’ll regret it soon
hold to your togetherness
or surely you’ll scatter

Don’t walk away gloomy
from this garden
you’ll end up like an owl
dwelling in old ruins

Face the war and
be a warrior like a lion
or you’ll end up like a pet
tucked away in a barn

Once you conquer
your selfish self
all your darkness
will change to light

✿ Rumi



Love is here; it is the blood in my veins, my skin.

I am destroyed;

He has filled me with Passion.

His fire has flooded the nerves of my body.

Who am I?

Just my name;

 the rest is Him.

✿ Rumi



I’ve come to take you
with me
even if I must drag you along
but first must steal your heart
then settle you in my soul

I’ve come as a spring
to lay beside your blossoms
to feel the glory of happiness
and spread your flowers around

I’ve come to show you off
as the adornment in my house
and elevate you to the heavens
as the prayers of those in love

I’ve come to take back
the kiss you once stole
either return it with grace
or I must take it by force

you’re my life
you’re my soul
please be my last prayer
my heart must hold you forever

from the lowly earth
to the high human soul
there are a lot more
than a thousand stages

since I’ve taken you along
from town to town
no way will I abandon
you halfway down this road

though you’re in my hands
though I can throw you around
like a child and a ball
I’ll always need to chase after you

✿ Rumi



This universe is not outside of you.

Look inside yourself;

everything that you want to be,

 you are already.

✿ Rumi



My love, you are closer to me than myself,
you shine through my eyes.
Your light is brighter than the Moon.
Step into the garden
so all the flowers, even the tall poplar
can kneel before your beauty.
Let your voice silence the lily
famous for its hundred tongues.
When you want to be kind you are
softer than the soul but when you withdraw
you can be so cold and harsh.

Dear one, you can be wild and rebellious but
when you meet him face to face
his charm will make you docile like the earth.
Throw away your shield and bare your chest
there is no stronger protection than him.

That’s why when the dervish withdraws
from the world he covers all the cracks in the wall,
so the outside light cannot come though.
He knows that only the inner light
illuminates his world.

✿ Rumi




Be grateful for whoever comes,

Because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

✿ Rumi



The sea doesn’t let the fish out,
nor does it let the creatures of the earth in.
Water is the original home of the fish;
the weighty animal is of the earth.
Nothing we do can change this.
The lock of Divine destiny is strong,
and the only opener is God:
cling to surrender and contentment with God’s will.
Though the atoms, one by one, should become keys,
yet this opening is not effected except by divine Majesty.
When you forget your own scheming,
happiness will come to you from your spiritual guide.
When you are forgetful of self,
you are remembered by God;
when you have become God’s slave,
then you are set free.

✿ Rumi



Love isn’t the work of the tender and the gentle;
Love is the work of wrestlers.
The one who becomes a dear of lovers
is really a fortunate sovereign.

Don’t ask anyone about Love;
ask Love about Love.
Love is a cloud that scatters pearls.

✿ Rumi



The Pattern Improves

When love itself comes to kiss you,
don’t hold back! When the king

goes hunting, the forest smiles.
Now the king has become the place

and all the players, prey, bystander,
bow, arrow, hand and release. How

does that feel? Last night’s dream
enters these open eyes. When we die

and turn to dust, each particle will
be the whole. You hear a mote whirl

taking form? My music. Love, calm,
patient. The Friend has waded down

into existence, gotten stuck, and
will not be seen again outside of

this. We sometimes make spiderwebs
of smoke and salvia, fragile thought

packets. Leave thinking to the one
who gave intelligence. In silence

there is eloquence. Stop weaving
and watch how the pattern improves.

✿ Rumi



If you want to do real works
give your whole heart to it.

Nothing happens just by talking.

A drop of water inside the house
is better than a gushing river
outside the house.

✿ Rumi




I can be without anyone
but not without you.
You twist my heart, dwell in my mind
and fill my eyes; you are my joy
I can’t be without you.
You are my sleep, my rest, the water I drink.
You are my clarity, my dignity, my world
I can’t be without you.
Sometimes you are kind, sometimes unfaithful,

you break my heart but
my love, my essence, do not go away
I can’t be without you.
You are the head I am the feet
you are the hand, I am your banner
if you leave, I will perish
I can’t be without you.
You have erased my image, taken my sleep
you’ve torn me away from everybody but
I can’t be without you.
I find no joy in life or relief in death.
Why don’t you say it too
I can’t be without you.

✿ Rumi




Hold to the reins of Love and don’t be afraid.

Hold to the real behind the false and don’t be afraid.

You must know that the Beloved you seek is none other than you.

Hold to this truth and don’t be afraid.

✿ Rumi



How very close

is your soul with mine

I know for sure

everything you think

goes through my mind

I am with you

now and doomsday

not like a host

caring for you

at a feast alone

with you I am happy

all the times

the time I offer my life

or the time

you gift me your love

Offering my life

is a profitable venture

each life I give

you pay in turn

a hundred lives again

In this house

there are a thousand

dead and still souls

making you stay

as this will be yours

A handful of earth

cries aloud

I used to be hair or

I used to be bones

and just the moment

when you are all confused

leaps forth a voice

hold me close

I’m love and

I’m always yours.

✿ Rumi



There is a way from your heart to mine,
and my heart knows it,
because it is clean and pure like water.
When the water is still like a mirror,
it can behold the moon.

✿ Rumi



My heart is on fire
In my madness
I roam the desert

The flames of my passion
devour the wind and the sky

My cries of longing
My wails of sorrow
Are tormenting my soul

You wait patiently
Looking into my intoxicated eyes
You accept my passion
with the serenity of Love

You are the Master of Existence
One day I shall be a Lover like You.

✿ Rumi



You amuse me with your touch
although I can’t see your hands.

You have kissed me with tenderness
although I haven’t seen your lips
You are hidden from me.

But it is you who keeps me alive
Perhaps the time will come
when you will tire of kisses

I shall be happy
even for insults from you
I only ask that you
keep some attention on me.

✿ Rumi



Come to this street with
only your sweet fragrance.

Don’t walk into this river
wearing a robe!

Paths go from here to there,
but don’t arrive from somewhere !

It’s time now
to live naked.

✿ Rumi



The way of love is not a subtle argument.
The door there is devastation.
Birds make great sky-circles of their freedom.
How do they learn it?
They fall, and falling, they’re given wings

✿ Rumi



Dancing is not just getting up painlessly,
like a leaf blown on the wind;
dancing is when you tear your heart out
and rise out of your body to hang
suspended between the worlds.

✿ Rumi



Come back my love.
My broken heart
cannot bear more passion,
no more promises.

I’ve had enough
of sleepless nights,
of my unspoken grief,
of my tired wisdom.

Come my treasure,
my breath of life.
Come and dress my wounds
and be my cure.

Enough of words.
Come to me without a sound.

✿ Rumi



We are a singing joy,

Two in form two in figure,

two to the outward eye

We’re one in one,

you and I.

✿ Rumi



What is the heart?
It is not human
and it is not imaginary.
I call it you.

✿ Rumi



Why is there always music in this house?

Ask the owner…

Here is a treasure this world could not contain.

The house and its landlord

are all pretext and play.

Hands off this house, this talisman.

Don’t argue with the landlord;

he’s drunk every night.

Look down, Lord, from the roof;

bless us with your glance.

I swear, since seeing Your face,

the whole world is a fraud and fantasy.

The garden is bewildered as to what is leaf

or blossom. The distracted birds

can’t distinguish the birdseed from the snare.

✿ Rumi



The marvelous sound
That comes from the sky
I am That.

The sweet fragrance
That comes from the garden
I am That.

The great beauty
That comes from the heart and soul
Until I leave . . .

I can’t leave
I am That.

✿ Rumi



A thousand half-loves
must be forsaken to take
one whole heart home.

✿ Rumi